Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Budding Photographer?

A few posts ago, I posted about Anna's budding guitar hero talent. While getting those pics off my camera, I found a whole bunch of other random photos on my camera I'd totally forgotten about. Since I also posted one of the pics Anna took of my growing belly, I thought I'd share one of her other recent intrests. "Photography." She LOVES to take pictures. I have to be careful even leaving my camera in sight because I'll be baraged with a hundred requests to take pictures. I love that she's such a creative girl, and I can't wait to see what things interest her as she grows.

This first one fits into more of the "artistic" genre. I must admit, that an ode to ketchupis right up my ally.

These are actually from way back in January on our trip to TX. We stopped at Steak n Shake for a snack, and found these great accessories.Ok. I may have helped with this one, but I wanted to share one of my sweet girl and me. Love her!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Belly Time!

Well, since I shared some of the not so nice parts of my pregnancy with you before, I thought I'd be nice and share something a little better this time. I LOVE big round pregnant bellies. Even when they're mine. Even when they make my feet freakishly large. To me they sum up the beauty/awesomeness of God's creation, and the blessings He gives to us all in one. I love how excited Anna is about this baby! Last time around, we barely mentioned it because she was so little. I just hope both girls share as much love with #3 as they have with each other. Have I mentioned that it's kinda difficult to take you're own picture in the mirror. I was trying to get something cute and sweet without seeing the my head covered up by a big box of a camera.

Ok. I didn't take this next one. Anna begged me to let her take some, and she actually did pretty well.
Can't wait 'til I can share some pics of the newest member of our family!