As I said in an earlier post, I attempted my first ever pie crust for our Thanksgiving feast. Ironically it's for pumpkin pie which isn't really my favorite, but that's how the chips fell this year. Hopefully my sis-in-law will be bringing a yummy pecan pie I can devour! Mmm...pie...whipped cream...sorry! Back to the post- Almost as soon as I started I kinda wished I hadn't agreed to do it. I think part of my problem was the oratory I got from Ty on how rare a perfect pie crust is and how many pies he'd eaten and thought that the crust was just ok but could be so much better. I'm pretty sure his intention was to spare me from thinking I had to make the perfect crust, but really I was thinking, "If his Grammy can't perfect the pie crust, why am I even wasting my time?!" Truthfully, I only ended up calling him once to ask if he thought I was doing ok. -aside- These are very interesting conversations in which I try to describe what I'm doing/what something looks like and Ty tries to reassure me that it's fine while I'm sure rolling his eyes because he has no way of really knowing because he's on the phone. Anyway, I cut in stuff, and I patted, and I chilled, and I rolled, and this is what I got...
Not real pretty, but there they are. The filling seemed alot easier.I guess the real test will be when someone tastes it. Ty has told me he'll eat it no matter what (I love him for things like that).
Since this is a Thanksgiving related post, I thought I should say something I'm thankful for. My friend Taylor did a list of 25 things 'cause she's 25. I don't want to admit how close I am to 30, so I think I'll just say that I am thankful for friends and family who remind me of what is important in this life, and what is not. Here's a picture of the girls in their matching pjs for good measure: